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Заявка на кредит
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Форма заявки на гарантию
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investors /
... institution, the Bank of Russia shall be notified of such purchase. The notification shall be in the form given in Appendix 2 to the Bank of Russia’s Instruction “On the Bank of Russia’s procedure of...
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news /
2022 /
June /
...The Annual General Shareholders' Meeting of Bank Saint Petersburg was held on June 2, 2022 in a form of remote voting. The Bank’s shareholders took a decision not to pay out dividends on ordinary shares for 2021. RUB 0.11 per preferred share will be paid out in accordance with the Bank’s Charter. Total preferred share dividend payout amounts to RUB 2 211 000. Dividend cut-off date is June 14th...
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investors /
shareholder-centre /
... paid from the Bank’s profit after taxation (Bank’s net profit). Who makes decision on payment of dividends? Decision on dividend payment, its amount and form is made by the General Shareholders’ Meeting...
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2022 /
April /
... share in accordance with the Bank’s Charter. Total preferred share dividend payout amounts to RUB 2 211 000. Dividend cut-off date is June 14th, 2022. Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting of Bank Saint Petersburg will be held on June 2nd, 2022 in the form of absentee voting. AGM cut-off date is May 8th, 2022....
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investors /
shareholder-centre /
...Due to amendments in the current law (on the basis of the Federal Law dated 29.12.2012 N 282-FZ) the dividends will be paid in non-cash form only starting from 2014. Cash form of payment is not envisaged. Dividends to individuals shall be paid through bank transfers or by postal money order. Any and all shareholders who failed to specify bank accounts for transfer of dividends are hereby...
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2021 /
April /
... resolved to acquire 26,000,000 ordinary shares of the Bank in book-entry form for a total amount of RUB 1.5 bn in accordance with the article 72 of №208-FZ law “On joint-stock companies”. The approved price...
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2021 /
October /
...On October 8, 2021, the Bank’s Supervisory Board meeting was held. The Supervisory Board members approved the report on the results of share buyback. As a reminder, on August 5, 2021 the Supervisory Board made the decision to acquire 14,000,000 ordinary shares of the Bank in book-entry form for a total amount of RUB 1.05 bn in accordance with the article 72 of №208-FZ law “On joint-stock...
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2020 /
November /
...BSPB summed up the results to the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting of Bank Saint Petersburg held on November 30, 2020 in a form of remote voting, following the regulator’s recommendations. Bank’s shareholders took a decision regarding the order of dividend payout. Dividends will be paid out in the amounts as follows: (the dividend payout amount calculated based on 20% of IFRS FY 2019...
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2021 /
August /
...On August 5, 2021, the Bank’s Supervisory Board meeting was held. The Supervisory Board made the decision to acquire 14,000,000 ordinary shares of the Bank in book-entry form for a total amount of RUB 1.05 bn in accordance with the article 72 of №208-FZ law “On joint-stock companies”. The approved price of acquisition is RUB 75 per share. Shareholders' offers for the sale of their shares to the...
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2021 /
November /
... also confirms its intention to distribute capital to shareholders in a form of dividends (at least 20% of IFRS net profit) and share buybacks. On the backdrop of economic recovery, loan portfolio quality...
Новости /
2021 /
May /
Банк «Санкт-Петербург» заключил партнерское соглашение с компанией «Канавара Логистик»
... Банка «Санкт-Петербург» для участников ВЭД можно на сайте: https://www.bspb.ru/foreign-trade/form/, или по телефону: 8/812/384 7575....
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news /
2020 /
May /
...The Annual General Shareholders' Meeting of Bank Saint Petersburg was held on May 27, 2020 in a form of remote voting summarizing the Bank's performance in 2019. In current conditions, following global market tendencies and in line with regulator’s requirements, the Bank’s shareholders took a decision not to pay out dividends on ordinary shares for 2019. The AGM passed a resolution to pay out RUB...
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2021 /
May /
...The Annual General Shareholders' Meeting of Bank Saint Petersburg was held on May 27, 2021 in a form of remote voting summarizing the Bank's performance in 2020. The AGM passed a resolution to pay dividends for 2020 as follows: - RUB 4.56 per 1 share for ordinary shares; - RUB 0.22 per 1 share for preference shares. The Meeting allocated the record RUB 2.17 bn for dividend payments. The dividend...
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2018 /
August /
...During its August 2, 2018 meeting, the Supervisory Board of Bank Saint Petersburg has resolved to acquire 12,000,000 ordinary shares of the Bank in book-entry form. The approved price of acquisition is RUB 55 per share. Shareholders' offers for the sale of their shares to the Bank may be submitted from September 7, 2018 to October 7, 2018. Mr. Alexander Savelyev, Chairman of the Management Board...
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2020 /
October /
...; • RUB 0.11 per preferred share. The source of payout is retained earnings. Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting is to take place in a form of remote voting on November, 30th, 2020. Dividend...
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about /
divisions /
... and 1st among private banks in St. Petersburg’s mortgage lending market. Throughout 2020, the Bank provided a total of RUB 37.9 bn in the form of 10 014 loans, compared to RUB 36.1 bn and 11 978 loans...
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2020 /
April /
... will be held on May 27th, 2020 in the form of absentee voting. AGM cut-off date is May 2nd, 2020. Other than that, the Supervisory Board discussed Bank's FY’19 Annual report, audited RAS financial...
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about /
divisions /
... information (SVO forms)/ statement of supporting documents (SPD form) in 1S format; currency converter using the rate of the Central Bank; a service for calculating days between the dates stated in...
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2017 /
May /
... Bank Saint Petersburg by placing 60 mln additional ordinary registered shares in book-entry form with a par value of RUB 1 each and a total par value of RUB 60 mln. The additional share issue will...
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2020 /
November /
... bn (the dividend payout amount calculated based on 20% of IFRS FY 2019 net income). Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting is to take place in a form of remote voting on November, 30th, 2020...
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2009 /
May /
...On May 16, 2009, the 5 stars business-hotel in Astrakhan was opened; Bank Saint Petersburg provided financing in the amount of RUR 2 billion for this project implementation. The construction was completed by the Astrakhan development and construction company “My stroim Dom”. The Superior Business class hotel is situated in the center of Astrakhan, 30 meters away form the Volga embankment. As...
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2007 /
June /
... a single interest rate of the car loans. The rate doesn’t depend on an income certification form and accounts for 13% in rubles and 9% in USD and EUR. “We aim to make our Bank’s services as much...
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2014 /
October /
... Petersburg to BANK SAINT PETERSBURG PUBLIC JOINT STOCK COMPANY (short form: PJSC Bank Saint Petersburg). Registered address and other details of OJSC Bank Saint Petersburg will remain unchanged after...
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2007 /
January /
... term of 3 years. The loan rate doesn’t depend on the form of income proof and makes up at the phase of construction 14% per annum in rubles, 12% in USD or 11% in EUR, and after the end of...
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2007 /
April /
...On 20th April the Head Office of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for Saint Petersburg registered a report on the results of the additional issue of the shares in Bank “Saint Petersburg” The total volume of the additional issue was 30,000,000 (thirty million) registered ordinary shares. The method of placement - open subscription. The form of issue - non-documentary shares. The par...
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2011 /
June /
...; • Form of payment for the shares- Russian roubles. The price of placement was set by the Bank’s Supervisory Board; it was calculated as a weighted average price on MICEX for the period from March 1...
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2009 /
April /
... banks. In 2008 the branch network of the Bank was restructured to form 33 offices in St. Petersburg and three branch offices in Moscow, Kaliningrad and Nizhny Novgorod in order to increase cost efficiency...