Участникам ВЭД /
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workshops /
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2021 /
Март /
... terms of total shareholder return. 2023 Strategy implementation will allow the Bank to reach such milestones as loan portfolio of over RUB 600 bn and revenues of RUB 50 bn with ROAE of 15%. Investor Day materials are available via this link....
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about /
divisions /
... exports and export barriers, analysis of the company’s website, adapting presentation materials, and much more. As part of developing the Bank’s international business consulting service, we work to...
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2018 /
Сентябрь /
... whole action plan for the Bank’s market capitalization growth will be considered by the Supervisory Board in October 2018. Reference materials for shareholders...
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about /
sustainability /
... hobby clubs, sports groups and the Alumni Club, organize guided tours and holiday trips, procure educational materials and games, and maintain its physical infrastructure. Moreover, the Bank pays...
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2014 /
Июль /
... efficiency of communications materials. Annual Report was prepared in cooperation with EquityStory RS, LLC, a part of EQS Group AG – a leading global provider of online corporate communications and investor relations solutions. The Annual Report can be viewed and downloaded at: https://www.bspb.ru/en/investors/...
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2011 /
Июнь /
... agreement with the EBRD under which it attracted USD 65 million to fund the small and medium businesses of North-West region of Russia. These materials may not be published, distributed or transmitted in or into the United States. Nothing in these materials constitutes an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy the securities discussed herein. The securities mentioned herein have not been...